Short Story

My grandma was struggling to learn how to open our trash can as she just came to our house, and I saw that. I tried to do something about it when I realized that I could make a better trash can. I did and she loved it so much that she immediately blessed me and wanted to take it with her when she left. I told her that I would make another one for her, as I had most of the materials, and she became full of bliss.

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Project Name: TT – The Touchless Trash – A Blessing For Your Family
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My grandma was struggling to learn how to open our trash can as she just came to our house, and I saw that. I tried to do something about it when I realized that I could make a better trash can. I did and she loved it so much that she immediately blessed me and wanted to take it with her when she left. I told her that I would make another one for her, as I had most of the materials, and she became full of bliss.


The TT is a touchless trash that opens the second you walk toward it. It is made by coding and a bunch of hardware. I made this mainly because of my grandma’s needs but I also kept in mind about how many other people might need something like it. The TT is better than other players in the market because the sensor is on the bottom and not on the top, where you have to wave your hand over the trash which wastes 5 seconds of your precious life. I’ll sell the kit itself for $30 which will come with a free sample of TT Buddy, which is another product which makes the trash can smell better. I’ll sell the kit installed on a trash to people for $45. I’ll sell kit with installation into your trash can for $40. In the world, there is approximately 1.3 billion people in the world who are handicapped or disabled as stated on World Health Organization. The total amount of annual revenue sales in U.S.A. of smart trash cans is 346.29 Million USD. With the ever increase in the market, players, and the demand, there is low risk on customer. People can access my product and buy if from my website and from other places like Amazon. If the whole amount of people, that I am addressing, will buy my product and if I am able produce that many of my product, then I will get $4,000,000,000 in total. I expect this product to make at least 5,000 dollars in the market as a startup because of many people needing it, and because it has a good pricing. The problem affects the customer by making them have a hard life over such a little thing. They want something that won’t hurt them in the long run. They want the price to be affordable which is a factor that this takes in. The customer would feel better and would have an easier life if they had this. Disabled or handicapped people would be really happy to get this product as well as normal people as it could help them in their daily lives.






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